Now running Before and After School Programs in Pennsbury!!!
Call (215-230-3445) to enroll!
KidsCare of Pennsbury accepts new students anytime during the school year. Parents may register online or download registration forms and submit the completed forms directly to its office in advance. Children cannot just walk in per the regulations issued by the State of Pennsylvania to ensure that the health and welfare of all children are maintained.
Electronic devices and electronic communications (cell phones, camera phones, iPod, Nintendo DS, texting, FaceTime sessions, etc.) are not permitted during any KidsCare program. KidsCare of Pennsbury is not responsible for any lost/damaged/stolen devices brought to the program.
You may send a check directly to the KidsCare of Pennsbury office each month or use our more convenient credit card automatic payment program. You may also call each month to provide credit card authorization. The staff at the schools is not allowed to accept payment. We will send you a monthly bill before the first of the month, and advanced payment is appreciated and expected.
Yes, KidsCare of Pennsbury is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. We follow all state guidelines for school-aged child care, including background checks (PA criminal history, child abuse, FBI clearance, etc.), for all of our employees and meet or exceed all child-to-adult ratios.
KidsCare of Pennsbury is a private company contracted by the school district. It rents space from the school district. Parents pay the company for the services provided.
How do I change my child’s enrollment? How much notice is needed?
Withdrawal/Cancellation of Service
Day-Off Program
What is your billing cycle? How does it work?
My child is out sick or is going on vacation. Do I get a credit/refund?
I have not paid my KidsCare of Pennsbury bill. What happens next?
If you haven’t paid your bill by the due date, KidsCare of Pennsbury reserves the right to suspend service until the outstanding balance is paid. However, we do understand that in some cases there may be a delay of a few days.We comply with applicable federal civil rights laws and do not discriminate, exclude, or treat people differently based on their race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.
All KidsCare programs are operated according to the After-School Standards established by the Council on Accreditation in collaboration with the National AfterSchool Association.
We are a member of the National AfterSchool Association, Afterschool Alliance, National Association for the Education of Young Children, and Pennsylvania School-Age Child Care Alliance. We also participate in the Keystone STARS Program.
Keystone STARS – Improving quality through:
Training/Professional Development
Resources and
Corporate Office: 5175 Cold Spring Creamery Rd, Box 16, Doylestown, PA 18902 | Phone: 215-230-3445 | Email: